Our satisfied customers know us as a reliable supplier that delivers the best quality at the best prices. Among others, foundation companies, contractors, builders, construction companies and steel installers find their way to Abter Steel Company. Because we, as a specialist in steel pipes offer you a consistently competitive price.

Alliance Petroleum drilling companyWedge wire well screen

Challenge: The customer needed a high-quality, durable water well screen that could withstand corrosive environments and resist clogging.

Solution: We recommended our wedge wire screen, which features a strong, non-clogging design and is resistant to corrosion. The customer was satisfied with the screen’s performance and longevity.

wedge wire screens

Rock Drill Company, IncJohnson well screen

Challenge: The customer required a water well screen with a high open area to allow for efficient water flow while also maintaining strength and durability.

Solution: We suggested our Johnson screen, which has a high open area and a robust construction that can withstand harsh well conditions. The customer was pleased with the screen’s performance and ease of installation.


Cheong municipal water authorityContinuous slot screen

Challenge: The customer needed a water cóż, ekran that could handle a high volume of water flow and resist clogging from sand and sediment.

Solution: We recommended our continuous slot screen, which has a large open area and is designed to prevent clogging. The customer was impressed with the screen’s capacity and ability to maintain water quality.


Birmingham Building DeveloperWelede steel pipe piles

A building developer was constructing new high-rise building in an urban area with limited space for equipment and materials. They needed a foundation that could be installed quickly and efficiently without disrupting the surrounding area.

The developer chose to use helical piles, which are screw-like piles made of steel, due to their ease of installation and minimal disruption to the surrounding area. The project was completed on time and within budget.

An oil and gas company needed to build a new offshore platform in a location with soft soil. They needed a foundation that could support the weight of the platform and withstand the harsh marine environment.

They chose to use concrete-filled steel pipe piles due to their ability to resist corrosion and their high load-bearing capacity. The project was completed successfully, and the platform was able to withstand the environmental conditions.

steel pipe piling

Kansas Port Authoritypale z rur stalowych

A port authority needed to extend the pier at one of their ports to accommodate larger ships. They needed a foundation that could support the weight of the pier and withstand the constant loading and unloading of cargo.

They chose to use steel pipe piles due to their high load-bearing capacity and durability. The project was completed successfully, and the extended pier was able to accommodate larger ships.

John owns a large construction company and needs to build a warehouse with a curved roof. He wants to use bend pipe trusses for the project but is unsure about the design and materials required. He contacts ABTER STEEL of bend pipe trusses to discuss his options and receives expert advice on the best truss design and materials for his project ,ABTER STEEL helps John complete the project on time and within budget..

Mark is a structural engineer working on a new commercial building project. The client has requested a unique curved roof design that requires bend pipe trusses. Mark contacts ABTER STEELsupplier of bend pipe trusses to request a custom design that meets the building specifications. The ABTER STEEL provides a detailed design and construction plan that meets the project requirements.


Lewiston ClientArched metal trusses

Tom is a contractor who has been hired to build a sports complex with a curved roof. He contacts ABTER STEEL of bend pipe trusses to discuss the project requirements and receives expert advice on the best truss design and materials to use. ABTER STEEL also provides a detailed construction plan that helps Tom complete the project on time and within budget.

Your future construction project awaits you right here