Jaka jest różnica między perforowaną obudową a szczelinową rurą osłonową ?

Perforated casing and slotted casing are both used in oil and gas drilling operations, but they serve different functions and have different characteristics. Here’s a summary of the differences:

Perforowana obudowa

Perforated casing is typically a pipe with holes drilled into it. Rozmiar, number, and arrangement of the holes can be customized based on the requirements of the operation.

Kluczowe cechy:

  • It’s used for kontrola piasku in coarse-grained formations.
  • The perforations allow oil or gas to flow into the casing, where it can be collected and brought to the surface.
  • It’s typically used in a well where the formation is stable enough that it won’t collapse into the wellbore.
  • The size and placement of the perforations can be precisely controlled, allowing for a high degree of customization based on the specific needs of the well.
  • It can also be used to inject fluids into the formation, such as in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations or for disposing of wastewater.

Obudowa szczelinowa

Slotted casing is a pipe that has a series of longitudinal slots cut into it. These slots allow fluids to flow into the casing, while at the same time serving to prevent larger particles, jak piasek, from entering.

Kluczowe cechy:

  • It’s primarily used for sand control in unconsolidated formations.
  • The slots are cut in a pattern that provides maximum inflow area while keeping the structural integrity of the pipe.
  • The size of the slots is typically larger than the perforations in perforated pipe, meaning that slotted casing can handle a larger volume of fluid.
  • Jednakże, the larger slot size also means that fine-grained formations may not be effectively controlled, and sand production can be an issue.
  • It’s typically easier and cheaper to produce than perforated casing, but it offers less precision in controlling the inflow of fluids.

In summary, the choice between perforated and slotted casing will depend on the specific needs of the well, including the nature of the formation, the volume of fluid expected, and the need for sand control. It’s important to note that both types of casing are just one component of a complex drilling operation, and they need to be considered in the context of the overall drilling plan.

Size chart of slotted pipe

Obudowa API ID
Długość szczeliny
Szerokość szczeliny
Slot Tolerance Valid Filter Area
Maks. Wytrzymałość
Na wagę
60.32 5 6.84 50.3 3 80 200 0.3 ±50 48 512.54
73.02 5.5 9.15 62 240 57.6 688.55
88.9 6.5 13.22 75.9 280 67.2 995.1
101.6 6.5 15.22 88.6 300 72 1151.2
114.3 7 18.47 100.3 10 320 76.8 1400.4
127 7.52 22.13 112 340 81.6 1673.8
139.7 7.72 25.11 124.3 360 86.4 1900.2
9.17 29.48 121.4 360 86.4 2232.4
168.3 8.94 35.09 150.4 400 96 2672.95
177.8 8.05 33.68 161.7 440 105.6 2559.2
9.19 38.19 159.4 440 105.6 2940.7